Sales and Purchases of important works by Marie Laurencin

Ponti Art Gallery is interested in buying and selling works of art by this artist.

Marie Laurencin Biography

Marie Laurencin, born on October 31, 1883, in Paris, France, emerged as a pivotal figure in the avant-garde art scene of early 20th-century Paris. Her unique artistic voice and style set her apart in a domain dominated by her male contemporaries. Laurencin's work, characterized by its delicate depictions of women and children in pastel hues, occupies a special place in the history of Cubism and modern art, though it also transcends these categories to form a distinct aesthetic that is unmistakably hers. Laurencin's early life was marked by her mother's encouragement to immerse herself in French culture, music, and art. This nurturing environment led her to study art formally, first at a china painting school in Sèvres, known for its porcelain production, and then at the Académie Humbert in Paris's eclectic Montmartre neighborhood. It was here that Laurencin's path crossed with that of Georges Braque, who introduced her to the burgeoning Cubist circle, including Pablo Picasso. Despite the male-dominated atmosphere of the academy and the avant-garde circles, Laurencin managed to carve out her own space and was tentatively accepted by her peers. Laurencin's artistic career took off in the early 1900s when she began exhibiting her work alongside the Cubists at the Salon des Indépendants and the Section d'Or collective. Her romantic involvement with the poet Guillaume Apollinaire further integrated her into the avant-garde milieu, though she never allowed her role as Apollinaire's muse to overshadow her own creative endeavors. Laurencin's work from this period reflects a blend of Cubist influences and her own softer, more lyrical style, featuring ethereal figures set against dreamlike backgrounds. The outbreak of World War I forced Laurencin into exile in Spain with her German husband, Baron Otto von Waëtjen. This period was marked by financial hardship and personal turmoil, but it also led to a deepening of her artistic practice. Upon her return to Paris after the war and her subsequent divorce, Laurencin achieved financial success and became a sought-after portraitist, capturing the likenesses of notable figures such as Coco Chanel. Laurencin's contributions to the arts extended beyond painting. She was involved in the design of sets and costumes for ballet and theater, most notably for the Ballets Russes and the Comédie Française. Her work in the literary arts included illustrating books such as Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" and writing poetry. Laurencin's collaborations with other artists and her involvement in Paris's lesbian counterculture further underscored her commitment to challenging conventional notions of femininity and womanhood. Despite her success, Laurencin's work was often misunderstood or dismissed by critics who failed to appreciate the complexity and depth of her artistic vision. Her legacy, however, has been reassessed in recent years, with a growing recognition of her contributions to modern art and her role in expanding the boundaries of female artistic expression. Laurencin died on June 8, 1956, in Paris, leaving behind a body of work that continues to captivate and inspire. Her paintings, characterized by their ethereal beauty and nuanced exploration of female identity, remain a testament to her pioneering spirit and her enduring influence on the art world. Laurencin's life and work challenge us to reconsider the narratives of modern art and the contributions of women artists who, like her, forged their own paths in a changing world.

Marie Laurencin Quotes and Sales of Works

Ponti Art Gallery selects and deals with paintings by the artist. Upon request, we provide free estimates and evaluations, communicate prices, quotations, and current market values.

If you are interested in BUYING or SELLING works by the artist, contact us immediately.

If you wish to sell or receive an evaluation of the works:

Send us a frontal photo of the painting, one of the back, and one of the signature. Also, indicate the dimensions of the work. Inform us about the purchase origin of the work and any kind of available documentation (purchase receipts, certificates of authenticity, publications). One of our operators will respond to you on the same day. We guarantee maximum confidentiality and extreme professionalism.

If you wish to purchase works by the painter: Contact us and let us know your request. We will inform you about the available works. We also offer the possibility to subscribe to our NEWSLETTER, through which you will be informed at the beginning of each month about the latest acquisitions of the art gallery.

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